Monday 12 January 2015

Venison with beetroot and charred figs

Thank you Mr. Josh Emett for your recipe from Cut cookbook.  Superb is the only way to describe this dish.  I admit to a couple of changes here and there as one does to their own preference (ie an addition of star anise to the beetroot fig chutney and a couple of other minor differences).  This is, however, a stunning dish of simple rare venison fillet, red wine venison sauce, beetroot, fig  (and star anise) chutney and a little raw beetroot sliced.  Mr Emett's idea of charred figs really perfected this dish.

Beautifully balanced and beautifully beautiful.  A bit of a keeper really.  And to cap it off a particularly gorgeous evening with a little cloud.  A very rare beauty in itself.  

Venison with beetroot, beetroot fig chutney, charred figs and venison red wine sauce.  Yum.

Ohhh la la the cloud aross the Dubai marina.! The newspaper did warn us that there may be a few drops of rain in the upcoming days.  Gotta love this place!

Seared Venison Carpaccio

We do get the most incredible (Australian and halal of course) venison fillet here.  In my experience this quality is unseen outside of a restaurant environment.  When one obtains such a cut the pressure is immense to treat it absolutely correctly.   I do not pay over 300 Dirhams a kg to stuff it up!

I trimmed off the ends (and trimmed the fillet to make the sauce).  The ends were perfect for a carpaccio entrĂ©e.   Seared, chilled, brought to room temp and served  simply with a vinegarette, beetroot, rocket, parmesan.  Beautifully classic and absolutely delicious.