Saturday 7 May 2011

Huesca Provence Spain - Casa de San Martin

Casa de San Martin

There is a place in Spain sitting in the Huesca provence near Fiscal called the Casa de San Martin.  Three to four hours drive inland from San Sebastian, 5 hours drive inland of Barcelona.  The area is pristine.  Mountains, rivers, beautiful villages, abandoned stone cottages from days gone by.   Sitting in an ancient valley of the Sobrarne, surrounded by rock formations that have formed deep ridges over time that drop dramatically into the raging blue green rivers below. 

To say this property has been meticulously restored to the highest level of detail is an understatement.   On arrival you see the Casa sitting in the valley straddled between the wisps of cloud, a still life.  It is captivating in it’s beauty and utterly stole our hearts. 

The Casa sitting in a valley of the Sobrarne, Huesca Spain

A view from the (meticulous) grounds
The owners are hands on as is the way with the best places you stay, ensuring every detail is maintained.  It is difficult to describe the level the restoration has been taken to.  Every single corner of this stunning Casa has been considered. 

To lose yourself here for a few days is complete luxury.  Quiet, so quiet, the nights are black other than the stars and the lights of a village several miles away in the distance.  The rooms decorated simply, tastefully, nothing is left to chance.  Throws for you to cuddle into, glowing fires where you will always find a corner alone to watch the flames flickering (if you are there in cooler months as we were). Discrete, complete and rich. Time simply stands still, this is the pinnacle of luxury because whilst you are here you will feel that simply nothing else in the world exists.  This is true decadence.

Our room with - oh what a view


The restaurant is not open to the public.  You will be treated to beautiful fresh meats and produce from the region with superb wines.  Breakfasts…..well lets put it this way we’ve eaten countless breakfasts at amazing places over the years but this was in a league of it’s own.  Simple yes, but the quality….the sheer abundance, continuing the thread of complete attention to every single detail.  

The valleys surrounding are dotted with abandoned villages and stone cottages, uninhabited now for centuries.  Peace, serenity and beauty.

Andy - morning walk in the trails above the Casa, not a car to be seen or heard

The luxury of a scream - nobody to hear!!

In the nearby national park, a place preserved in time
Words sometimes do fail you don't they?  This is the problem here, to describe the experience of the Casa for me results in frustration at my grasp of the English language, a futile effort.  The Casa and the valleys that surround it an exquisitely spiritual sense of contentment that filled my core and this is something I will forever cherish.  David and Mario the owners have achieved something that most simply fall just short of and I remain in wonderment as to how they actually did it!!